0 0|0|trading codes for doing $5 Walmart gc |salsafan|salsafan@sbcglobal.net|01:40:43|09/12/2016|
Posted on Sep-12-16 at 01:40 AM (Eastern) by

You enter these codes online (2 of them) and they send to yr email addr a $5 Walmart gift card that includes a bar code, a card no. and pin for scanning by the store. . I used one tonight at WM. I dont have enough to sell them but have some extras that I would like to trade for yr extra NEW Douglas $24 forms....If you have the $24 forms, pls suggest a trade to me...Going to meet my new grandchild tomorrow (who is expected to arrive soon) but will check email whenever I can on their laptop. Hope to hear form some traders...