1 0|0|Statistics on Soft Drink Use|Sharon|s_forshee@hotmail.com|20:47:40|04/16/2010|
Posted on Apr-16-10 at 08:47 PM (Eastern) by

I stopped drinking Diet Coke/Pepsi last summer because the artificial sweeteners was causing me to gain weight. I switched to fresh brewed tea with Stevia. I don't miss drinking soda at all. After reading the statistics in this article, it's shocking!

http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/04/10/can-you-believe-these-statistics-on-soft-drink-use.aspx 1|1|Risks displayed more properly belong to sweetened soft drinks and aren't separated out|mfrs|mfrs.sv.ca@gmail.com|21:08:38|04/16/2010|

Posted on Apr-16-10 at 09:08 PM (Eastern) by

Fake sugars probably have very different issues.