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 "check out51" 

General Chat Message
"check out51"
Posted by joseph on Apr-14-16 at 09:52 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Apr-14-16 at 09:52 PM (Eastern) by

have been reading about this now I don't have a smartphone but have read you don't need one to use a pc is fine. My question how do you upload a receipt hopefully easy have read good and bad about this some say the receipt isn't clear enough.I 'm sure someone uses this .Do you use your printer to upload receipts this checkout 51 and ibotta seems like the new way to refund.

joseph joined in 5/2009
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1 . "I use a laptop and my scanner"
Posted by Flanagan on Apr-19-16 at 03:05 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Apr-19-16 at 03:05 PM (Eastern) by

I use a laptpop and my scanner since phone pictures are not clear enough (I have an older android smartphone). My printer is a 3-in-1. So I stick a usb pen into the printer and scan directly to the usb pen. When I am done, I just bring it over to the computer and upload it to checkout51 ..

hope that helps :)


Flanagan joined in 3/2016
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