13 0|0|Does anyone know??|tradertrisha|tradertrisha@yahoo.com|11:40:05|03/29/2007|
Posted on Mar-29-07 at 11:40 AM (Eastern) by

Anything about ordering meds from Canada online??
Is it legal to do this?
If it is legal, Do you know of a reputable company that has good "cheap" prices?

1|1|Another Question ...|tradertrisha|tradertrisha@yahoo.com|11:43:37|03/29/2007|

Posted on Mar-29-07 at 11:43 AM (Eastern) by

Are there any programs to help diabetics get test strips, lancets, syringes & needles??

I know some indigent drug programs help paying for insulin & other meds
And Walmart has a generic drug program for specific meds for $4 each

But is there ANYONE who helps with the test strips, lancets, syringes & needles??

TIA 4|2|Does the person who needs the diabetic supplies recieve Medicare benefits? If so, Medicare should pay for those each month or quarterly (cant remember which now)....|saint6811|waylan@insightbb.com|07:19:33|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 07:19 AM (Eastern) by

If walking is so good for you, then why does my mailman look like Jabba The Hut? 6|3|No Medicare- No Medicaid-No Insurance coverage|tradertrisha|tradertrisha@yahoo.com|15:28:03|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 03:28 PM (Eastern) by

No help at all that way. 2|1|my own opinion|zombietoo|littlejadensmom@juno.com|01:43:26|03/30/2007|

Last edited on May-29-07 at 03:05 AM (Eastern) by

. 3|1|My husband ordered some Lamasil from Canada about a year ago...it is VERY expensive, he paid about half what it would cost here. And the medication worked great. :)|saint6811|waylan@insightbb.com|07:18:29|03/30/2007|

Last edited on Mar-30-07 at 07:20 AM (Eastern) by

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 07:18 AM (Eastern) by

I will ask him if he still has the bottle or any info on the place he ordered from :)

If walking is so good for you, then why does my mailman look like Jabba The Hut? 7|2|I would appreciate any info|tradertrisha|tradertrisha@yahoo.com|15:29:26|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 03:29 PM (Eastern) by

PLMK if he still has the info 5|1|Daibetic Supplies|shannonsaving|sdrasy@earthlink.net|09:27:35|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 09:27 AM (Eastern) by

You may be able to get help from the local Health Department or the free clinic in your area. Also a lot of Doctors offices now have information about organizations that help to supply necessary medical supplies. I would start by contacting the Doctors office and explaining your situation. 8|2|Already tried that|tradertrisha|tradertrisha@yahoo.com|15:33:39|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 03:33 PM (Eastern) by

The MD office is going to help with some of the name brand meds
But there are still several aname brand meds that aren't covered by any programs. (That is the reason for the question about meds from canada)

Walmart has some generic meds for $4 each but there are still some generics that they don't have on the program.

Have not located any assistance from any place for getting testing strips, lancets, & needles & syringes. (That is the reason for the other question)

9|1|Here is the info for the place my DH got the Lamisil from...|saint6811|waylan@insightbb.com|16:00:30|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 04:00 PM (Eastern) by

He said the ordering was easy, the customer service was great, and the delivery was timely.
He did a lot of looking around for Canadian drug sites before choosing this one :)



Joy :)

If walking is so good for you, then why does my mailman look like Jabba The Hut? 10|1|I have one for you!|elleangel|poohangel1@juno.com|22:26:26|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 10:26 PM (Eastern) by

I did not have insurance for quite a while and I found out about a website, http://www.canadapharmacy.com
They are an actual pharmacy (not some set up to just sell to U.S.) I had to fax a copy of my prescription
and drivers license. I got my Dr. at the time to write for 1 year, so I only had to do it once a year. I
ended up saving about 1/2 the price. I don't know about diabetic supplies since I am not a diabetic. But you
can put the name of your RX on the website and they will give you prices. They will assign you a Dr. in canada,
they have to have local dr. on the label, but it was always my DR. that saw me and wrote up the prescriptions.
They used to have this program I joined, I think it was $40, but was some years ago for lifetime shipping. For me
this made sense and even with shipping I was still saving a lot!

I hope this helps!

11|1|I get my meds from the Phillipines (made in India) But they dont have strips or lancets, but they do have alot of generic forms for meds that are NOT generic here! I can get $400 of my monthly meds for about $75 which includes the shipping, forwarned without express shipping it takes about a month to receive, andbout 2 weeks for express shipping. If you are interested in the site, LMK. It has been a life saver for me!|kandywolf|kandywolf@gmail.com|23:55:12|03/30/2007|

Posted on Mar-30-07 at 11:55 PM (Eastern) by

-{-<@ Have we traded? @>-}- ~Please~ leave feedback at this link:

~Please include RS username in emails. If you do not have a username, I WILL NOT trade with you. Tired of lurkers taking advantage of people, if you really want to trade, you will sign up at RS with a username!~

~If we have not traded before and you have no feedback or 5 or less feedback you will need to send your end first. Sorry but this is my new rule. TY~

~I am now giving 36 hours from the time I email someone about a trade. I am losing too many trades waiting 3 or 4 days, and then they decide no, or dont let me know at all. Sorry, but I can't wait longer than 36 hours, I believe that is more than fair~

~ Shipping from Zipcode 18201 ~

~~Thank you everyone for all the wonderful trades~~
~~ You are the BEST!! ~~ 12|2|Kandywolf-- PLMK the info|tradertrisha|tradertrisha@yahoo.com|02:13:05|03/31/2007|

Posted on Mar-31-07 at 02:13 AM (Eastern) by

thanks 13|1|Thanks Everyone!!!!!|tradertrisha|tradertrisha@yahoo.com|11:05:39|04/01/2007|

Posted on Apr-01-07 at 11:05 AM (Eastern) by

I really appreciate all of the info that you have all given!!!