0 0|0|'Just Yell Fire' DVD ~ Empowering Girls to Protect Themselves |freebiejunkie|joelpoole@msn.com|00:07:02|11/29/2006|
Posted on Nov-29-06 at 00:07 AM (Eastern) by


The 45 minute film includes cameos by the hit television show Lost stars Josh Holloway and Evangeline Lilly, several seemingly real life abduction scenes, a Dating Bill of Rights, a Q&A in talk show format. and a date rape party scene. Each scene is followed by instruction on maneuvers appropriate to escape from each situation. Vancouver Police Chief Brian Martinek makes an appearance to share his counsel on proactive prevention, as do two top martial artists.

"Live in such a way that those who know you, but don't know God, will
come to know God because they know you"
click for some beautiful music~(My sister's site)
