0 0|0|Have $36 del rio form, lim area, long dated|salsafan|salsafan@sbcglobal.net|19:42:10|01/25/2022|
Posted on Jan-25-22 at 07:42 PM (Eastern) by

any Hess wine 750ml
HSS8878A send crt and write upcs on form...
Lim to 10 rebates per household
must be resident of: CT, MA, ME, NH, NJ, NY RI, VT
exp 6/30/22 adn POSTM by 7/15/22

If you need info/evidence of how well Hess pays, email me directly for that, pls...
I was just paid by a Hess for my state and the above is not gd in my state so I can't use....

I would love to t rade for a form I CAN use
But if you do not find forms, pls send me any offer
I have nfpp

TY for readign!!!!