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 "A question for you book readers here at RS:" 

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"A question for you book readers here at RS:"
Posted by SandyC on Aug-29-22 at 11:56 AM (Eastern)
Posted on Aug-29-22 at 11:56 AM (Eastern) by

Can you suggest titles/authors of true stories?

Email me, or posting here is fine too.

Thanks in advance.


SandyC joined in 2004
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1 . "your request is too broad"
Posted by salsafan on Aug-29-22 at 06:50 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Aug-29-22 at 06:50 PM (Eastern) by

autobiographies? based on historic events? Contemporary inspriational memoirs by people who overcame great hardships? "True" and "stories" is sort of a misnomer... Give an example of wha t you like by citing some you've enjoyed in the past.... Just wanting to help, not meaning to criticize. The more specific you are, the more helpful the recommendations will be.

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2 . "Thanks for the comment, Chris...(more inside)"
Posted by SandyC on Aug-29-22 at 09:09 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Aug-29-22 at 09:09 PM (Eastern) by

I'm asking for a friend. She's just finished the "Dave" books (A Child Called It series--I can't remember the names of the other 2 books). She's not really a reader but said she likes stories that are true. Winter is coming when she'll have more time for reading, and I told her I'd keep my eye open for books that are true stories (I go to thrift stores a lot!) - I just found a true crime book that I'm going to give to her, and just thought I'd ask for suggestions from anyone here on RS. I know there used to be readers on this board because I've sold books to a few over the years.



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