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 "If you can write you can earn money!!" 

Rewards Message
"If you can write you can earn money!!"
Posted by carol58 on Nov-03-07 at 10:16 AM (Eastern)
Posted on Nov-03-07 at 10:16 AM (Eastern) by

AC is a website that you submit 400 words on any subject and they review and post on website and you get paid when people read your link. I am new but just submitted 4 stories and in 1 day I am at .08. They more stories, reviews you have out there the more money you can make.
You get money if you refer someone and they submit and publish a story, idea, etc in the first 30 days. I just did stories on things I usually post in chats just a little longer and will be making money every day.
If you are interested here is my referral link.

carol58 joined before 2001
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