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 "What's the difference between 50 and 5?" 

Rewards Message
"What's the difference between 50 and 5?"
Posted by kamille824 on Jul-26-07 at 08:51 AM (Eastern)
Posted on Jul-26-07 at 08:51 AM (Eastern) by

No, the answer isn't 45, it's 3.........
3 referrals that is from first place in the referral contest, the difference of winning the (buy a Happy Meal from McDonalds, well not quite, how about an ice cream cone too) $5.00 to winning the BIG $50.00 dollars (and buying a new outfit for yourself)

This site has been awesome in crediting offers, many to choose from. Site Admin has been great in answering questions that I've had. You should come check this site out for yourself.

5 days to go until the end of the month, start earning today and you can get some money before the Labor Day holiday! (Isn't that scary that it's that close, meaning summer is flying by again this year).

kamille824 joined in 2005
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Messages in this discussion
1 . "I'm to 2"
Posted by kamille824 on Jul-28-07 at 05:53 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Jul-28-07 at 05:53 PM (Eastern) by

I've been kicked out of first place! Yikes! That's the difference between 50 and now 20..... HELP!!!!! Only need 2 referrals to take the lead. Anyone want to help me out? Please, and even pretty please.

kamille824 joined in 2005
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2 . "Needing 4 referrals by the 31st"
Posted by kamille824 on Jul-30-07 at 09:03 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Jul-30-07 at 09:03 PM (Eastern) by

If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it.

kamille824 joined in 2005
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