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 "Make money via paypal for writing articles........." 

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"Make money via paypal for writing articles........."
Posted by tsquared on Nov-05-05 at 09:32 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Nov-05-05 at 09:32 PM (Eastern) by

proven to pay


How much do I get paid?
Associated Content publishes original, thought provoking, multi-format information with the aim of generating revenue from advertisements. Bids are based on the page-views, popularity, and revenues the submission will generate for our company. Bid amounts are solely determined by our Content Managers, and starts at $3. Content submitted for exclusive rights receive the highest bids. We are currently not paying for recipes, prose, unsolicited images or content with short shelf lives.

How come I received a low bid for content with a high word count that took a lot of time to research and write?
Bids are not necessarily connected to how much time was invested in creating a piece or the credentials of the Content Producer. Similarly, while the length of a piece may reflect how in-depth it is, the word count of a piece alone does not necessarily justify higher payment.

When do I get paid?
Within two business days of accepting an offer from Associated Content, Content Producers are sent an email asking them to confirm their PayPal email address. Once confirmed, payment is sent via PayPal within four business days. This time frame does not include the transaction time PayPal requires to complete a funds transfer.

How do I get Paid?
Content Producers will need a basic PayPal account if they intend to submit content for pay. Associated Content uses PayPal exclusively for disbursing payments. We will not write personal checks or make alternative payment arrangements. Content Producers can set up their free PayPal accounts at Premium Paypal accounts are not required to receive payments from Associated Content.

What is Associated Content?
Associated Content is an online publisher that provides a venue for anyone to showcase their work: writings, reviews, research, images... you name it! Associated Content has developed an exclusive content management system that allows anyone to publish well-designed content on the web. Our technologies are fully adaptable to any publishing environment and rich in additional features. To learn more about our Publishing Platform and how they work, Contact us.

What is a Content Producer?
A Content Producer submits work for publishing. All Content Producers agree to Associated Content's End-User License and Independent Contractor Licensing Agreements. We currently cannot pay for submissions from non-US citizens and from individuals under eighteen years of age.

How do I become a Content Producer?
Becoming a Content Producer is simple. Follow these steps:
1. Complete the application process.
2. Click through acceptance of terms of use and contractor agreement.
3. Follow instructions and submit content.
4. Receive email with login information to submit additional content pieces.
5a. Content submitted for no payment will be reviewed within five business days and then published.
5b.Content submitted for payment will be reviewed and an offer will be made within five business days. Content Producers must approve all bids before their work is published.

What is Associated Content trying to build?
1. A library for the people by the people.
2. The ultimate consumer/user-driven information source.
3. A clean, quality environment for three central constituencies: media producers, users and advertisers.


What kinds of content can I submit?
Associated Content does not exclude any content topic. Submissions must adhere to our guidelines or they will be automatically declined. If your content does not match a current AC category, feel free to suggest a new category by contacting

What formats of content does Associated Content accept?
Associated Content is currently accepting content submissions in the form of text (Articles, Reviews, How To guides, etc.) and graphics (photos, art, graphic design). In the near future we will also accept audio and video submissions.

Are there guidelines for submitting content?
Yes, all submissions must adhere to our guidelines or they will be declined.

Can I submit content previously published on other sites?
Yes, Content Producers have the option to submit content under non-exclusive rights. As long as you retained the copyright, this content can be submitted. However, our goal is to gather original web content. If the submitted content is published on other websites, the value of your piece is diminished. Content which is easily discoverable on other sites will be automatically declined.

Where is my Content Published?
Upon approval, all submitted content is currently published at

What kind of content does Associated Content value?
Associated Content values content submissions that are…

To generate page-views, topics and titles should match a possible search query someone would type into Yahoo! or Google. The keywords from this search query should also be used throughout the content. (e.g. Mortgage Tips for First-Time Home Buyers in Colorado)

Submissions should take a specific angle on a popular topic. (e.g. Stress Management for Middle School Students)

Compatible With Advertising
The advertising that accompanies the content on our site is associated with the topic of the content. This means content that lends itself to profitable, consumer-related advertising is more valuable. (e.g. IPod Accessories for Car, Home) This also means we cannot offer payment for any type of prose (poems, short stories, memoirs, etc) because it is not compatible with effective advertising. We do welcome submissions of prose and will publish them.

Long Shelf Life
The longer content is relevant, the longer it will generate advertising revenue, the more we value it, the more you'll get paid. (e.g. Bladder Control with Multiple Sclerosis)

Valued submissions are in-depth, thorough pieces that provide readers with quality information and resources for further information on the subject.

Submissions should be a unique addition to Associated Content and a relatively unique addition to the web.

tsquared joined in 2004
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