5 0|0|Smoke & Mirrors|Joaniebott|joaniebott@AOL.com|13:45:09|08/17/2021|
Posted on Aug-17-21 at 01:45 PM (Eastern) by

I wonder what is really going on with the Democrats while everyone is looking at Afghanistan?

I assume this is Obama and Bengazi all over again - create a big media deal so nobody notices Hillary was selling Stinger missiles to the Middle East

I expect a MASSIVE terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11

Joanie 1|1|political|bish8|bish212@earthlink.net|15:21:39|08/17/2021|

Posted on Aug-17-21 at 03:21 PM (Eastern) by

Can we stop with the political rants on this site? 2|2|You can skip over them|Joaniebott|joaniebott@AOL.com|15:34:45|08/17/2021|

Posted on Aug-17-21 at 03:34 PM (Eastern) by

This site is very easy to do that

Joanie 3|3|may not happen on 9/11|pattyo|pattyolc@aol.com|02:24:48|08/18/2021|

Posted on Aug-18-21 at 02:24 AM (Eastern) by

as specific dates are expected for any and all..I would say perhaps before or AFTER.yepper! very possible Joannie 4|4|Sick of the lies!|Joaniebott|joaniebott@AOL.com|10:05:09|08/18/2021|

Posted on Aug-18-21 at 10:05 AM (Eastern) by

there is a photo floating about FB and various newspapers, showing a photo of a gazillion Afghani on a C130 being removed from Afghanistan

But is is really a photo of America helping people leave Manila from a typhoon in 2013...it is quite obvious

I remember when Covid started, Jacksonville opened their beaches and all the newspapers went nuts!! about how many people were on the beach......too bad it was actually a photo from 2019.....and then I saw pictures of people standing in line for food at Publix and the story was about Covid has created food shortages....too bad it was actually a photo after Hurricane Irma when the lower keys were devastated. One of the men in the picture called the Miami Herald screaming!!


5|5|Ya that's why|pattyo|pattyolc@aol.com|03:26:39|08/19/2021|

Posted on Aug-19-21 at 03:26 AM (Eastern) by

it's called Tel LIES vision...Turn if off !!!