1 0|0|Watch how Burt's Bees lip balms are made. |smiles|mrsbettygreen@yahoo.com|22:55:21|09/29/2017|
Posted on Sep-29-17 at 10:55 PM (Eastern) by

Watch how Burt's Bees lip balms are made.
https://www.today.com/video/watch-how-burt-s-bees-lip-balms-are-made-1055145027588 1|1|Wow - pretty amazing ...|Jorainna|jorainna@aol.com|02:05:23|09/30/2017|

Posted on Sep-30-17 at 02:05 AM (Eastern) by

Think of all the everyday products we use, that we never give a second thought on how they come about!