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 "how do you block websites you don't want your kids to go on ? on computers and ipods? thanks for any help " 

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"how do you block websites you don't want your kids to go on ? on computers and ipods? thanks for any help "
Posted by lydzkydz on Jan-08-13 at 06:56 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Jan-08-13 at 06:56 PM (Eastern) by

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1 . "Blocking access"
Posted by hudge4 on Jan-09-13 at 04:57 PM (Eastern)
Posted on Jan-09-13 at 04:57 PM (Eastern) by

One thing I know of is on You Tube. There is a safety feature down at the bottom of the page that you can turn on and off. It will block inappropriate material (for the most part).

We also got into our kid's ipods and blocked access. It's under settings but I can't recall the exact steps to take. Google parental control Ipod and get the steps. That's what we did originally.

One thing to note is there is something called "HidePod" that the kids do. It's an app where they can hide stuff and it looks like a normal app.

Whatever you do, don't let THEM know you did anything to their settings. Do it on the stealth, like at night when they're sleeping. Another good thing is to require NO PASSWORD LOCK. I tell my kids that if I ever see their Ipods on lockdown, they will NEVER SEE THEM AGAIN.

Also, don't feel bad about taking the Ipods or other electronics away for a while. It's a special treat not a right to have one.

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